Racine Sport Flyers

Sport Pilot Training

Sport Pilot training is accomplished in a Flight Design CTLS light sport airplane. The CTLS is a very capable and fun aircraft designed specifically for the light sport (LSA) market.

Sport Pilot Eligibility:

  1. Be at least 17 years of age
  2. Hold a valid U.S. drivers license
  3. Be able to read, speak, write, and understand English

Sport Pilot Limitations

  1. No night flying
  2. No flights outside of the U.S. (with some exceptions)
  3. No flight above 10,000 feet
  4. No more than one passenger
  5. May not carry passengers or property for compensation or hire
  6. Sport Pilots are only eligible to fly aircraft that fall within the light‐sport aircraft category as defined by the FAA
  7. No flight in any of the airspace classes that require radio communication without an instructors endorsement.

Before you solo you will need

  1. Students pilot certificate
  2. Valid U.S. drivers license
  3. Complete all pre‐solo flight training including, but not limited to:
            Pre‐flight        Taxing        Takeoffs        Climbs           Turns        Landings        Emergency procedures
  4. Flight Instructor endorsements
  5. Be able to competently and safely fly the airplane in the local area.

Before the practical test you will need to

  1. Complete all pre‐solo requirements
  2. Pass the Sport Pilot Aeronautical knowledge test with a score of 70% or better
  3. Complete a minimum of 20 hours of flight time.
  4. Flight instructors endorsement
Note:     There is no minimum flight hour requirement for solo flight, but your solo flight  privileges are at your flight instructors discretion.

20 Hour Flight Time Breakdown

15 hours of flight training which includes:
  •     10 hours of various maneuvers and procedures.
  •     2 hours of cross country flight
  •      3 hours of preparation within 60 days of the practical test
5 hours of solo flight of which includes:
        5 hours of various maneuvers and procedures.
  • One solo cross country flight of at least 75 nautical miles total distance with a full stop landing at a minimum of two points and one segment of the flight consisting of a straight line distance of at least 25 nautical miles between takeoff and landing.
Note:        While the regulations require a minimum of 20 hours of flight time, 30 to 40 hours is more likely. As with your solo flight it is up to you and your instructors discretion when you take the practical test.